The 2025 Garden!
As I was out working in the garden today, I was thinking about a blog post
and I laughed. I’m surprised there are any readers here! This blog has no
real f...
{I've Been Reading} Claire, Darling
*Claire, Darling* by Callie Kazumi
In one moment, Claire's life has been turned upside down. She took lunch to
her fiancé only to be told that he doesn'...
American Collage
*American Collage*
60 x 74 inches
Quilt of Valor #259
Pattern: Town Square by Fabric Cafe
Border adjusted to meet QOV size requirements
Daisy Patch
Another UFO is completed! This is one from my 1.5years of patiently
waiting quilts to have the binding finished, and now it's done-done!
*Daisy Patch...
MARCH 6, 2025Is your stash starting to expand and invading other areas than
your sewing studio? Then it is time to ask a few questions:Are your muffin
This was a struggle, but it is done
This was a struggle, but it is done
As a quilt, it is not complicated in its design. It is built around a
panel I had in my stash, and fabrics I alread...
Scrap Happy - February 2025
Welcome to Scrap Happy Day where we post about the scrappy projects we've
worked on over the past month.
Be sure to check out what everyone else has ...
T-shirt Quilt is Complete
I can't express how happy I am that this is quilt top done. It has hung
over me for months and I was afraid that it would take more months to get
it to a f...
2025 - Yeah!
More will be occurring this year as I’ve been such a neglectful blogger.
Yet I still place
people over things
Every. Single. Time.
The last seve...
New Pattern Release: At The Cove
This year as part of the 2024 Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Feestival, I have an
exhibit entited “Quilts And Their Stories” at Mrs Pugsley’s Emporium. One
of th...
März Challenge
Hallo ihr Lieben,
der Challenge hilft mir meine Wohnung zu überarbeiten. Im März waren die
Vorhänge für das Badezimmer dran. Genäht waren sie schnell, nu...
Project Quilting 15.6 - Irish Chain
The last of the 2024 Project Quilting challenges is Irish Chain.
I took this quite literally, and made a miniature Irish Chain, with a
little variation ...
Etude de Cabines, my first truly modern quilt
While my EPP has progressed exponentially, and I'm enjoying it a lot - I
had to struggle to finish another project - A modern quilt using some
Guest bathroom remodel
A year in the making. Lol
Not to the decorating and embellishing.
Not in order. Lol
Duck poster is on my think about list for wall behind toliet. Hu...
Moving to Substack
Hello everyone! Happy New Year 2024! Lots of changes happening over here-
this blog is moving to Substack! Come on over and check us out! Big hugs to
10 Ways to Cut a Fat Quarter
How many of us have a huge pile of fat quarters that you don't know what to
do with? You can cut these fat quarters into the popular pre-cuts that
fabric ...
Bestelformulier CLS Dualcom
U ontvangt deze mail ter notificatie van uw online bestelling. Wij hebben
de volgende informatie van u ontvangen:
Deze mail is gegenereerd door het beste...
11 Jenis Budaya Jawa Tengah & Penjelasannya
Kebudayaan yang ada di Jawa memang beragam bentuknya. Termasuk di Provinsi
Jawa Tengah, yang punya adat istiadat yang khas dengan
The post 11 Jenis Buday...
I'm Working on It!
I was asked to participate in the Quilt Crazy Queens Making Us Laugh blog
hop that starts on March 18, so I'm working on that project - and I'm to
the qu...
Quilting, quilting
The joys of cutting fabric up into various pieces and then rejoining them
into a quilt top is pure joy to me. Today I am cutting up large pieces of
Jan 2020 progress
well now that the new year has started need to make new list of UFO's do
get done this year. I have made a list of 12 UFO's to hopefully finish
this ye...
Bonnie Hunter Annual Mystery Quilt 2019 – Frolic
I’m hard at work on my third Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt – Frolic. And,
drum roll . . . I’ve decided to make the quilt in two different colorways.
I stil...
November Update
Look, it's a new post! Wow, I don't even have an excuse. I have not been
overly busy but I have become consumed with cross stitch. Did I need
another craft...
Star Quilt Maker by Lesley
Just had to pop in and show you the sweetest little quiltlet ever! Made
for me by Lesley the Cuddle Quilter. My sweet friends and I (NSQBQ), for
the past...
Wide Backs
Here are Janel’s Wide Quilt Backs. Such pretty fabric! I am in the
process now, of sorting, measuring and tagging. Looks like a monumental
task but has ...
Garden Weave
I started Garden Weave April 2018. It started with all fabrics from one
favourite shop and was augmented with a few bits from my 'stash'. It
measures 90...
Day 3 Revision Knee Replacement
Amazing things happening with my knee revision! This specialist has done
everything differently from my original knee replacement done last year
4/9/18. ...
Gemstone Quilts, soft and cuddly
A Colorful Pink Tourmaline
Exquisite Emerald
Alexandrite in blue
These gems follow the pattern by MJ Kinman but use fabrics I already had
making them di...
Catching up with the good and the not-so-good
Once again, I’ve kind of gotten behind here. It’s not as easy to type
anymore with these numb, but at the same time, tender fingers. Some of the
nails ar...
Bonnie Hunter Mystery week 5
This one in the books. Ready for Christmas.
Week 5 done and ready for Christmas to be over. The bottom picture is a
quilt that I made several years ago and...
Mom’s stash
I haven’t posted is quite a while, but now that my son is off to college
and I have a taken a step back from mentoring the robotics team, I have a
little ...
a Graduation Gift
The gift is now in the hands of the receiver. She loves it. She's an
equestrian and when her mother and I were discussing a quilt for her, I
realized I'd...
Pause oder Abschied, das ist hier die Frage
Seit Januar 2008, also seit mehr als 10 Jahren schreibe ich in diesem Blog
über mein Hobby Patchwork und Quilten. Damals war ich gerade im
Crazy-Fieber und...
A Doll Like Me Quilt
The Mellow Yellow Challenge was put out there by Project Quilting this week
and I thought I would make another 24” square doll quilt for A Doll Like Me.
A friend invited a few of us to her vacay home for a quilting retreat.
It's on southern Indiana hills. With beautiful wildlife to interrupt my
sewing. Wor...
Kiddie Baby Quilt 1
I finished the first kiddie quilt. The back is so soft with fleece. Second
quilt is being worked. We are watching for Tropical Storm Cindy; hope we
don't l...
Wedding weekend
The wedding was a week ago Saturday and I am still kind of catching my
breath! I know some of you are waiting to see pictures. Both my DIL
Michelle and n...
Sisters Sewing Sunday Sessions....
My sister Sue has decided last fall that maybe she wanted to learn to
quilt since she is now retired and has a bit more time on her hands. She
started o...
Quilt # 11
is from Brenda's pattern "Porter-Bella (named after her two dogs!!) that I
won at the Princess mystery class. (I am still working on it). Becca gifted
me w...
Rainbow Quilt Progress
Today I finished piecing the top for my daughter’s Birthday Rainbow quilt.
Now I just have to quilt it in time for June 10. Maya Greyhound “helped” me
March Finishes !
Its been a busy month! I'm battling a bunch of Spring Fever.. and
fussing around to keep the mind busy after couple years of Kid Krapp.
So a frie...
Another Quilt Finished
I finished the binding on another quilt last night. That's four finishes
this month! I'm on a roll. It's a Chihuahua magnet, lol. On another note, I
Productive Weekend
This has been a finish up weekend! It was a nice 3 day weekend with
really no plans so I got a ton of projects complete and more that just need
I finished something!
I finally completed a project! Finished this a couple of weeks ago. I made
a bunch of these *Montessouri Math Mats*. 2 different sizes. They came
out ni...
Recent Echoes Quilts
Echoes quilts is a term I use for quilts made from leftover fabrics from
earlier quilts. Echoes quilts are donated to charity.
A is for Angela II
Created p...
Bow cards, my latest passion!
Look at these, aren't they gorgeous?!
I bought the bow card template from Sandra's Scrap Shop and you can see the
bow card template here.
So easy to make...
Scrap Happy Saturday
It's all about the color indigo this month.
I do not have a lot indigo in my scrap stash but I managed to come up with
these few blocks. They are as clo...
How fast time flies! I can't believe it has been so long since I posted. I
am still quilting, and am back to doing paper crafts. I made this card for
my n...
Can anyone see my last post
i woorked out how to add photo is using Blogger but I haven't had any
comments so I'm wondering if it is visible.
I'm looking for a pattern for a quick and ...
A generous gift
Yesterday I posted about my Layers of Charm baby quilts and the inspiration
for them I found at the blog, Samelia’s Mum. Anorina, from Samelia’s Mum,
was a...
Quilt Finish A longtime coming.
Remember, last January when I said that 2014 was going to be my year of
finishes? Well, my oldestst WIP *EVER* is completely DONE!! The magazine is
from N...
Getting Back into Sewing!
Now that the holidays are over, I really need to get back into the swing of
things, quilting wise!
I made it to the top of the queen's list on Stashbusters!...
We did a photo shoot
***Maybe sometimes you don't hear from me is because I write a blog and
then just forget it in draft mode forever. This was almost posted ... 2 or
3 years...
Marti Michell's Machine Quilting in Sections
I just love Marti Michell's book *Machine Quilting in Sections. *She has
posted a Youtube video on one of the six methods for quilt-as-you-go from
the boo...
I have moved.
My blog address has changed.
You can now follow me or reach me or find me or well...whatever at
She said I could play…
So what happens when you take a well pieced, interesting little quilt top…
Add permission from the piecer to “go ahead and play with it”… Spoon in the
Well, Mr. Contractor Guy came and repaired the termite damage.
We thought we were all ready for Mr. Tile Guy to come and do his magic. He
came and said...
my Dad is a retired builder who did his apprenticeship at a local
cabinetmakers. i am lucky that he is creative loves to work with his
hands, otherwise m...
Football "blanket"
I can't believe it's been a year since I posted anything on this blog!
This past year I have not done as much sewing and quilting as I would have
liked. ...
Happy New Year 2014
Phew. I could not get into this account for months. The problem was I
signed up with my email address in Maryland and no longer have that one. A
simple ans...
I can't believe it has been eleven months since I last posted on my blog! A
lot has happened this year. Number one was the birth of our first
Its the middle of the week already and what in the heck happened to
October. I cannot believe where the time is going. its almost like
everytime I turn aro...
Block Busting
As I attempt to both blog and sew with more regularity, I'm finding that
blocks can get in my way.
Not quilt blocks ... creativity blocks. Negative thinki...
Second UFO of the Year
I finished the I-Spy Quilt! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get a
photo of it yet. With a husband on the road for work a good chunk of the
last coupl...
Good stuff, but not it
Did you ever get a hankerin for something from your childhood? When I was
a kid growing up in Wisconsin my Mom used to fix a maple flavored hot
cereal. S...
Christmas came late this year
Was a good surprise opening up these boxes. Had ordered this babies right
before christmas and then forgotten about them till yesterday. They weight
As I approach the coming new year
I belong to a wonderful online quilting group called StashBusters. It is
devoted to encouraging its members to use what they already have, rather
than spen...
Happy July 4th
It's been over 2 years since my last post. Life keeps getting in the way.
Just went thru and deleted a lot of my old blog posts. Hope to try and
start bl...
I have been reading the Mrs. Malory series by Hazel Holt and enjoying it so
much I dread finishing & hsving to find new.
this "new" blog form is just not...
Wow it's been a long time since I blogged
I'm going to upload some photos, but not much else. Nothing really super
good to report, except I have a new boyfriend who is super sweet and a
really nic...
moving day
Because of changes at Blogger that are really not working for me, I am
moving my blog to I hope you'll change your
links an...
Keeping My Husband Busy!
I have even been making my husband do some things. I decided I wanted a
new entertainment center. So instead of looking everywhere to find one I
just had...
Design Wall Tuesday
Design Wall Tuesday
[image: Image]
My wall has been taken over by my husband.....
For the story (and pattern details : ) ) pop over to his blog
Home Again Home Again... Jiggedy-Jig
The testing for the new job went very well. I knew I had nailed it as soon
as it was over. When I got home last night (to an enthusiastic greeting by
my ...
I have discovered Pinterest. I'm hooked but the exciting thing is that I've
actually made something I've pinned and now I'm sharing (so of course I can
I'm moving!
I'm moving!
In a little while, I will be deleting this blog and all of its posts. But
the content has already been moved over to our new home, Harper Ac...
Preparing for the Switch...
I'm planning to switch over to the new site tomorrow, so this will be my
last post on Blogger. I'd do it now, except I'm tired, and there are a few
things ...
Letting Go, Being A Sewvivor
April 18, 2011
I am in the process of downsizing my 'stuff' by half. This has been a ten
year project to date and I am actually at the light at the end of ...
Closing down Blog
I have decided to close down this blog due to health issues. I am no longer
able to do many things I've done in the past. I hope you have enjoyed
visiting ...
God, are you talking to me?
I have been praying a lot about what to do with the next season in my
life. My youngest is preparing to fly the coop and I don’t think long term
Quilt Top Almost Done!
You might see my new feature over to the side called My Design Wall. I
think it’s going to be neat to show what is on my real design wall, maybe
that will ...
The Quilt Show and R2CA,
Wow! Lookie here! Had a lovely email from Lilo today to let me know they
had chosen my quilt Magellanic Dreaming to show on their newsletter at The
Quilt S...
15 years ago
We are a group of quilters who are focused on using our stash of supplies, and completing projects.
The original concept was, "How would your quilting look, if you bought no new stuff for a
full year?" We have global members that all share a love of quilting and sewing.
We have yearly and monthly challenges, lots of show and tell, and tonnes of
imagination. Our group is friendly and hardworking. We have existed for many many
years on Yahoo.
Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge
The Hubster and I took a day out to hike and picnic. *Clicking on a photo
will give you a closer look! We chose the Turnbull National Wildlife
Refuge. The ...
It's been fun thinking of how to post
each day of March.
Day 8 Scrappy Finish
I did the Binding on this Charity Quilt.
I am counting it as my finish.
I wil...
Back To Normal
I am trying to get back to normal. Things keep cropping up to disturb the
boring humdrum of* 'normal, everyday life'. *Not bad stuff mind, just
stuff. I'...
Escape to Belize - Cave Tubing
The last part of the Soaking day found us Cave Tubing on the River - and Oh
My Gosh - you all - we had to go into INTO a cave - it was dark and it was
a CA...
Self-care .... Immersed in Nature
Once I had explored the intended area, I went back to a familiar place Gros
Norme National Park, a place I could rest. I enjoyed long walks on the
Dust Off a Quilt Book Blog Hop
It's my day on Bea's blog hop and I just might be a rule breaker or a
I dusted off plenty, but for this hop it's not a quilt book.
In fact, I ...
Coming to Fruition
Letterboxes on the bed.
My letterbox quilt is done bar the label. It's soft and cosy thanks to the
brushed cottons and all over hand quilting. It's on t...
PQ 16.4 Birthstone
So, honestly, my birthstone had always been a bit of a disappointment.
Peridot always looked to me like Emerald’s anemic cousin….no rich color,
First completion of 2025
The quilt (45 inches square) called "Dogwood Blossoms" is complete! Began
at the end of December 2024. VCQ Mystery Quilt for New Year's Eve. Top
Busy scraps
Busy week with appointments. Not much sewing going on here.
But I quiltedhi Lois's red sashed log cabin variation. Another that she
made at Studio 3 l...
De postzegels van Hetty
Dit is mijn quilt voor het thema van 1 maart van De-Uitdaging.
Hetty Janssen was aan de beurt om het thema te kiezen en zij stuurde ons
het volgende beri...
A Little Sewing, A LOT of Cutting
I haven't actually sewn that much this week. I did get two quilts
assembled. I only took pics while they were on the design wall. I had
planned on adding a...
543 books
I read 170 books in 2022, 223 books in 2023, and 200 books in 2024.
Just found a notebook in which I listed 543 books that I read in 1993-94....
An Easy Simple Square Quilt
I finally finished the easy Simple Square quilt that I started last year.
It’s made with scrappy 4.5″ squares cand is set on point. I thought it
might ma...
Low Tide (-1.4) at Whaleshead
When we first visited the Southern Oregon Coast, we stayed at Whaleshead
Resort. It's north of Brookings. We stayed in Modular Cabin #9.
Beautiful vie...
Playing Catchup
Its been busy! Thanksgiving has come and gone, soon it will be Christmas.
We got our vaccinations a couple weeks ago--Covid, RSV, Influena, and
Bread and Bags
...but not bread bags...
Yesterday we went to a wedding for a couple who are dear friends of the
family. Both of our kids and spouses were there too. It w...
Life Happenings
I didn’t mean to be away from the blog for so long. I came to say I
haven’t been sewing much. But when I scrolled photos I discovered I was a
fibber. In...
April/May 2023: Lost in Time
Wow! Has it been this long since I posted? I thought I did one in March but
it is nowhere to be found. 😑
So what have I been doing?
Crocheting Project...
Vacations with Grandchildren are the Best
I am late catching up on this blog. In June I had a road trip taking 4
grandies from Texas and Tennessee to Michigan. It was lots of fun.
I hear there are people who work on one project until it is done before
starting another. I’ve never been that person. Ever since I received my
first embro...
Deb W
There’s nothing more rewarding to someone like me, who puts everything in
their work, to receive a note like this one: Hi Marguerita,I have been
wanting to...
Something Amazing Happened!
We are a blended family - very much so. Not only do we have 'his' and
'hers', but we have a very diverse family. It has been a lot of work,
prayer and ...
Three More Baby Quilts
All three are for the grandchildren of some friends at our church, two baby
girls and a boy.
The label is hard to read, the thread is too close a match dar...
It's Been Awhile
*I thought that I was going to put all these pictures in some sort of
order, but I'm not that good. As usual, a hodge podge. These are dog
collars that...
2020-4 Hot Water Bottle Cover
This cozy hot water bottle cover was made for two reasons – to help keep
my toes warm during these cold January winter nights and secondly to have
Quilting, quilting
The joys of cutting fabric up into various pieces and then rejoining them
into a quilt top is pure joy to me. Today I am cutting up large pieces of
Knitting Report - 1/12/2020
I'm making pretty good progress on my Brioche Scarf. It is currently 47
inches. Of course, it helped that I had to fly to Denver this week for
work. The f...
We had a little excitement here today. Melanie was here picking up her
serviced Featherweight and Cathy was here picking up a roll of batting. We
were all ...
Selvage Strip Snack Mat
Some inventive fabric designers have begun using clever motifs instead of
printing the color coordination “dots” on the selvage of the fabric.
Instead, t...
Another year over
One of my favorite lines from John Lennon’s Happy Christmas. Well, we
still have a few more weeks to get “things” done. I plan on using every
minute! Th...
October Musings
October has been a busy month, but probably my favorite month of the
year. I love the colors, the temperatures and decorating my house with
Wow...already the end of August!
Things are busy in the Gilmore nursery AND
I am also 'cat' sitting 13 for a friend~
Her's are in the small cube. All are in chrysalis. That's nice because n...
Other finishes
I am finally getting around to finishing some other projects. I made this
quilt a few years ago, I used the Turning 20 pattern and all shirting
Using my Christmas Gift - Go Big!
My DH has watched me struggle to "cut" things with my Accuquilt Go - it
seems really hard to crank. I try to cut with it when DGDs are here, but
they are "...
This week has been one of prepping for appliqué projects. I have been
designing an open border for the vase appliqué quilt
The weird shape between the st...
Since You Asked
A lot has happened since June 2015. Some happy things and some sad things.
Some not good things, some so good things. And not a lot has happened
since J...
Tally of the Week
There was sewing this weekend at the camper. First I worked on
This is 32 blocks, there are enough blocks for two quilts of 99 blocks
Easter Bunny Challenge
I forgot to mention in the post below that the Easter Bunny quilt I posted
below is my 2nd quilt quilted for 2017. Seven more to go before the end of
the ...
Sweatshop Story
A while back, I was posting pictures of my friend Anne and I working away
on our quilts on a Monday afternoon. I must have been feeling whimsical,
because ...
Voting Today
We voted this morning and there was just a short line - maybe 5 minutes, if
We arrived at the Civic Center around 9:15 and while there were quite a...
WIP Wednesday and finished Love Entwined
I thought I would post another photo of my LE all quilted and bound...
finally got two people to hold it up for me to take another photo. I am so
happy wit...
Wisdom of a Master Workman Proverbs 8:31
Then I was beside Him, as a master workman; and I was daily His delight,
Rejoicing always before Him, Rejoicing in the world, His earth, and having
my del...
Ring-necked why?
Every birder in North American asks the same question: If the duck has a
bright ring around its bill, why is it called Ring-necked? I don’t see any
ring th...
Still here.....
- has kept me busy. I can't believe it's been 3 months since my
last post. Between guild meetings, board meetings, classes, workshops, and
You Yangs (oops....)
Sorry everyone, I hastily posted earlier today without putting up new
photos. Sorry.
It is just two years ago (last week) that I moved from Anglesea on t...
I am back, kind of......
Hi everyone. Life, it gets busy. there is happiness. there is sorrow.
there are adventures and there are quiet times......
Yesterday, we buried our 7 ...
Home (2015)
Full Streaming Home in Best LookNow you can see Home in HD format with
duration 94 Min and has been aired on 2015-03-27 and MPAA rating is 523.
- *Ori...
I've been working on microwave bowl holders today. These are like pot
holders, but for bowls you use in your microwave.
We've all been surprised how hot t...
Gee, and another year has passed....
I could say that I don't believe this, but yes, I can. I have not posted
here because it is not really working with the picture thing. Ok, we will
Summer of Kate Spain Quilts
The bright, clear, cheerful colors of Kate Spain's fabric lines are calling
to me this summer. I finished up my second Kate Spain quilt top of the
Good Reads & a Bird
I missed linking up to The Bibliophile Files@sarah did it! last month so
today I'm playing catch-up. I'm staying ahead of my 2015 Reading Challenge
goal bu...
Creating the Calm Cowl
Creating the Calm Cowl and really warm hats!
I took a little fall on Sunday and messed up my leg. I just kept ignoring
the pain, until I couldn’t walk. It...
Pictures of Jamaica
The house at Good Hope Plantation. The house was built in the late 1700's
as a wedding gift to the plantation owner's son and daughter-in-law. The
A new stitching BOM
from the very talented Val Laird. It's called Keys to Contentment and
block 1 is ready to be downloaded now. She has chosen nine Bible sayings
that she ...
Picture heavy catch up. :o)
It has been quite a year with one thing and another and I am afraid my
blog has suffered because ...
Prepping for October
I am a regular user of Weavolution and the annual HalloWeave challenges are
getting set to start at the beginning of October. As I don...
Rainbow Scrappy Saturday
Hello everyone, I thought I wouldn’t have anything to show again for this
weekend but I got a tail wind last night and managed to sew up the little
cross b...
Looks like I fell off the blog……
January 20th I posted the design wall and I haven’t had anything to say
since! I pretty much lost the mojo for quilting and without that I don’t
have much...
Tired Of The Winter Wonderland
This Winter has been great forr taking pictures
I have to say even I have had enough.
Even the horses have had
Max and Bill for the first...
Grow Your Blog
*Congratulations to Brittany, of Pickles Quilting! Brittany is the winner
of the giveaway. I'm off to my sewing/reading room to gather items that I
Moving My Blog
I've decided to move my blog over to WordPress....
I'm now going to be posting over there exclusively. Please visit the new
blog and "Follow Me" there ...
Well it has been a while...nearly a year...bad blogger...I admit...
Sad year...July 2012 had to put my beloved Legend (Black Lab) to sleep to
wait for me...
what it takes to make me blog again......
i am tired. dog tired. on a hot. summer. day. i know that i *should *be
making dinner, but who even wants to do that when it is so hot outside?
and ins...
Adoption Scammer Spam -- a new one!
Yes, I realize it's been a year since I posted. Not much to report. But
then this gem arrived in my email box the other day:
Saw your profile t...
Fun sewing
The challenge for this years May retreat is "Earth, Wind and Fire" meaning
you could draw on one or more for your project inspiration. Initially my
mind w...
Two finishes! The first UFO#8 has a new home already! The second, Not So
Easy Street! is my version of Bonnie Hunter's latest mystery quilt. I swear
I wore...
A few weeks ago the gals I retreat with took a field trip to San Diego! It
was a great time, we visited 5 quilt shops and the zoo, here is the group
of us...
I'm Ready, I'm Done, Now to Relax
I'm happy to say I wrapped my last gift Saturday morning, I'm done. Now I
can sit back and enjoy my birthday tomorrow, Christmas, my 46th wedding
I'm out of zippers
I ran out of 7" zippers this afternoon, so I can't make any more small
change purses til I go shopping again. I still have the longer zippers I
need for "C...
Sock Sniper
Just the colors the Belgian likes! I joined a group called Sock Sniper a
couple of months ago. It's kind of a round robin game, just like Sock Wars
Well friends, I haven't died, just figured out to get signed back into my
blog so will be posting and picturing on here again occasionally.
My life has had ...
There's a bun in the oven!
We just found out we are expecting another baby! The new babe should be
here late April or early March. We are very excited!
Baby Love...
I have been sooooo busy since November, I can't even begin to write about
all that I have been up to, simply suffice it to say that I am glad to be
back ...
Stop looking
Is this the same spot where Henry 'lost' his glasses a decade ago. In
future I will just look here - I think this is where the fairies put things
after th...
Star Struck Progress
I hadn't had the opportunity to work on my "Star Struck" quilt for a long
time, so recently went downstairs, re-counted to see how many blocks I had
(in pa...
I'm belatedly participating in a blog tour in honor of Craftsy's FREE block
of the month guided by my personal quilty friend AMY of Stitchery Dickory
I am posting on behalf of my mother. She hadn't posted for a while because
she was battling cancer. It was a private battle shared only with her
Christmas Break crafting....Rag Dolls!!
I have always admired the dolls made by Nicole Ross Ellison. She has made
her patterns available on her website. I bought three of them for myself,
and hav...
Don't miss this Christmas Sew-A-Long
Sew-A-Longs are a great way to get motivated and work on projects over
time, and with Christmas fast approaching, Sew Mama Sew has just introduced
not one,...
Yeah, I know....
This morning Zeus mentioned that maybe it was time to shut down this blog
since it has been severely neglected for the last three months. To be
honest, tha...
Long time no see!!
Its sure has been a long time since I posted on here. Most of that was due
to the move and the fact that my quilting time has been severly curtailed.
We ...
Well here's a start!
So I have been putting off starting as I have so much to catch you all up
on, I haven't known where to start. So instead of starting with a bunch of
Long time no post!
Sooo busy..... here are a few quilty and not so quilty things I've been up
to since my last post.
Made a quilt for Willow.
Really love how the quilting ...
a fusible day
I spent the morning fusing ornaments and a table runner for the Christmas
bazaar. I figured since it's August I better get back on track and get some
Shoo Flying ...
I admit that I've been putting off working on the Shoo Fly duvet cover.
Well, the centre section measures 70" square and then there are the borders
... s...
Fabric Musings and Beginnings
I have a Lj, I have a Facebook, but I guess I now also have a Blogger
account. I hope to use this area to focus on "art" projects and research
that I am wo...
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